Company Profile

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gpm about 38+

Years of

This is GPM’s US Distribution Center which is located in Nesbit, MS. It stocks and distributes SAE mounted cast iron hydraulic pumps and associated replacement components.

Who We Are

In August 2015, GPM-US made the investment in a Supply Chain Warehouse located just south of Memphis, TN in Nesbit, MS.

We began filling the shelves with inventory to support our North and South American customer base and on April 1, 2016, we officially opened.

Establishing this supply chain warehouse has allowed our western customers to reduce their inventory dollars and the quicker ship time has given GPM-US a greater position in the market.

We have solid expertise in the following Our Expertise
  • 1 Pump Design
  • 5 Precision Casting, Engineering and Machining
  • 2Custom Hydraulic Pump Design and Manufacture
  • 6 Pump Rebuilding
  • 3 Gear Set Manufacture
  • 7 Thrust Plate Manufacture
  • 4 Continuous Process Improvement to ISO 9001: 2015
gpm info products


The company manufactures and offers a comprehensive range of pumps to meet specific customer requirements as well as those of the general market.

The products displayed on this site are summarized in the following product ranges:

  • Hydraulic Bearing Gear Pumps
  • Hydraulic Bushing Gear Pumps
  • Hydraulic PTO Bearing Pumps
  • Hydraulic PTO Dump Pumps
  • Flow Dividers
  • Add-a Pumps
  • Step-Down Pumps
  • Replacement Parts
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